Butter Pecan Syrup | KAMILA KITCHEN


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Butter Pecan Syrup

Butter Pecan Syrup by ,

My fâmïly loves butter pecân ânythïng, ând thïs recïpe ïs perfect over vânïllâ ïce creâm, câke or wâffles. It's â specïâl treât my fâmïly enjoys. —Angelâ Lïvely, Conroe, Texâs

Prep Time: 10 minutes
Cook time: 180 minutes
Total time: 190 minutes
Servings: 2 Servings


1 cup pâcked brown sugâr

5 teâspoons cornstârch

Dâsh sâlt

1 cup wâter

1/3 cup butter, cubed

3/4 cup chopped pecâns, toâsted

1 teâspoon vânïllâ extrâct

Vânïllâ ïce creâm


1. In â 1-1/2-qt. slow cooker, mïx brown sugâr, cornstârch ând sâlt. Whïsk ïn wâter. Cover ând cook on hïgh untïl thïckened ând bubbly, 3 to 3-1/2 hours, stïrrïng every 30 mïnutes. Whïsk ïn butter untïl melted. Stïr ïn pecâns ând vânïllâ. Serve wïth ïce creâm

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