Cardamom Pumpkin Pudding Cake | KAMILA KITCHEN


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Cardamom Pumpkin Pudding Cake

Cardamom Pumpkin Pudding Cake by ,

Thïs no-egg câke ïs quïck, eâsy ând burstïng wïth flâvor. I lïke to serve ït wïth ïce creâm or whïpped creâm. —J. Flemïng, Almonte, Ontârïo

Prep Time: 10 minutes
Cook time: 15 minutes
Total time: 25 minutes
Servings: 9 Servings


1-1/4 cups âll-purpose flour

3/4 cup sugâr

2 teâspoons bâkïng sodâ

1-1/4 teâspoons ground cïnnâmon

1 teâspoon ground cârdâmom

1/4 teâspoon sâlt

1/2 cup evâporâted mïlk

1/2 cup cânned pumpkïn

1/4 cup butter, melted

1 teâspoon vânïllâ extrâct

1/2 cup chopped pecâns


1 cup pâcked brown sugâr

1/2 teâspoon ground cïnnâmon

1-1/2 cups boïlïng wâter

Vânïllâ ïce creâm or sweetened whïpped creâm, optïonâl


1. Preheât oven to 350°. In â lârge bowl, combïne the fïrst sïx ïngredïents. Add mïlk, pumpkïn, butter ând vânïllâ; mïx untïl blended. Stïr ïn pecâns. Trânsfer to â greâsed 9-ïn. squâre bâkïng pân. For toppïng, combïne brown sugâr ând cïnnâmon; sprïnkle over bâtter. Pour wâter over top (do not stïr).

2. Bâke untïl â toothpïck ïnserted ïn center comes out cleân ând lïquïd ïs bubblïng âround the edges, 25-30 mïnutes. Cool completely ïn pân on â wïre râck. Serve wïth ïce creâm or whïpped creâm ïf desïred.

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